hazard analysis

hazard analysis
анализ чрезвычайных ситуации

Англо-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности. . 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "hazard analysis" в других словарях:

  • Hazard analysis — A hazard analysis is a process used to assess risk. The results of a hazard analysis is the identification of unacceptable risks and the selection of means of controlling or eliminating them. The term is used in several engineering specialties,… …   Wikipedia

  • Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points — (HACCP) is a systematic preventive approach to food safety and pharmaceutical safety that addresses physical, chemical, and biological hazards as a means of prevention rather than finished product inspection. HACCP is used in the food industry to …   Wikipedia

  • Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points — Das Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points Konzept (abgekürzt: HACCP Konzept, deutsch: Gefahrenanalyse und kritische Lenkungspunkte) ist ein vorbeugendes System, das die Sicherheit von Lebensmitteln und Verbrauchern gewährleisten soll.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Hazard analysis and critical control point system — Analyse des dangers et maîtrise des points critiques Le système d analyse des dangers points critiques pour leur maîtrise, en abrégé système HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point), est une méthode de maîtrise de la sécurité sanitaire des… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Process Hazard Analysis — (PHA) (or, Process Hazard Evaluation) is a set of organized and systematic assessments of the potential hazards associated with an industrial process. A PHA provides information intended to assist managers and employees in making decisions for… …   Wikipedia

  • Hazard and operability study — Hazard and operability studies are a methodology for identifying and dealing with potential problems in industrial processes, particularly those which would create a hazardous situation or a severe impairment of the process. It is commonly known… …   Wikipedia

  • Hazard symbol — The skull and crossbones, a common symbol for poison and other sources of lethal danger. Danger of death redirects here. For other uses, see Near death (disambiguation). Hazard symbols are recognizable symbols designed to warn about hazardous… …   Wikipedia

  • hazard model — hazard model, proportional hazard model A statistical technique for determining ‘hazard functions’, or the probability that an individual will experience an event (for example first employment) within a particular time period, given that the… …   Dictionary of sociology

  • Hazard ratio — The hazard ratio in survival analysis is the effect of an explanatory variable on the hazard or risk of an event. For a less technical definition than is provided here, consider hazard ratio to be an estimate of relative risk and see the… …   Wikipedia

  • Analysis of Failure Times — Ereigniszeitanalyse ist eine statistische Analyse, bei der die Zeit bis zu einem bestimmten Ereignis ( time to event ) zwischen zwei oder mehr Gruppen verglichen wird, um die Wirkung von prognostischen Faktoren, medizinischer Behandlung oder… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Seismic hazard — refers to the study of expected earthquake ground motions at the earth s surface, and its likely effects on existing natural conditions and man made structures for public safety considerations; the results of such studies are published as seismic …   Wikipedia

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